Interview by International Socialist Review with Antonis Davanellos,
leading member of Greece’s Popular Unity and
the International Workers’ Left (DEA):
[…] Alex Tsipras’s path toward capitulation to the Troika produced a wave of anger and debate within Syriza, whose left wing pushed hard against the sudden retreat. Increasingly distancing himself from, and marginalizing, the party’s left wing, Tsipras finally secured an agreement with Greece’s lenders on July 12, and quickly secured a majority parliamentary vote for its acceptance. The new, third memorandum requires Greece to impose further steep social spending and pension cuts, as well as privatizations of $50 billion worth of state assets. Tsipras’s surrender prompted an exodus of much of the Left from Syriza—which makes up as much as 40 percent of the membership—some of which reformed as a new anti-austerity coalition called Popular Unity.
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