What “Radical” Means in the 21st Century
Since 2011, the Review of Radical Political Economics publishes an occasional section on “What ‘Radical’ Means in the 21st Century,” challenging notable people on the left to address this question. RRPE continues to bear the term “radical” in its title, yet the term was more widely used in the 1960s and ’70s when RRPE was founded, and tended to convey the analysis of root underlying causes. Over the decades, the term has become blurred and intersected, and thus RRPE launched in 2011 a new occasional series to explore what this term means in current contexts and conjunctures. Previously published essays in this section include:
Jennifer Cohen, “Introduction to What ‘Radical’ Means in the 21st Century,” March 2023, 55 (1): 187–190
Nancy Folbre, “Radical Offspring,” March 2023, 55 (1): 191–196
Heidi Hartmann, “Doing Radical Public Policy, Observations from a Feminist Economist,” March 2023, 55 (1): 197–207
Drucilla Barker, “Speaking Truth to Power: A Tale of Two Universities,” March 2023, 55 (1): 208–216
Marlene Kim, “What Is Radical Political Economics?” September 2018, 50 (3): 576–81
William K. Carroll, “Robust Radicalism,” December 2015, 47 (4): 663–68.
Samir Amin, “Audacity, More Audacity,” September 2013, 45 (3): 400–09.
Dean Baker, “Getting Radical with Markets,” September 2012, 44 (3): 374–79.
Ben Fine, “Being Radical or Radical Being?” March 2012, 44 (1): 100–06.
Doug Dowd, “What Is Coming Around the Corner?” December 2011, 43 (4): 578–81.
Patrick Bond, “What is Radical in Neoliberal-Nationalist South Africa?” September 2011, 43 (3): 354–60.
Howard Sherman, “Radical Economists in the 21st Century,” September 2011, 43 (3): 348–53.