URPE at the Eastern Economics Association 2016 Conference
Washington, D.C., Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Feb. 25-28
Friday 11:00 am – 12:20 pm. (C sessions)
URPE Panel 1: Socioeconomic Status and Health Care
Session Organizer: Nancy Breen, National Institutes of Health
Session Chair: John Phillips, National Institute on Aging
- “Mortality Disparities in colorectal cancer by socioeconomic status using new NCI tools: Health Disparities Calculator and Socioeconomic Quintiles,” Nancy Breen, breenn@mail.nih.gov (National Institutes of Health)
- “The Supply of Primary Care Physicians in the U.S.: Associations with Physician Recommendation for Screening Mammography and Mammography Use,” Janis Barry, barryfiguero@fordham.edu (Fordham University)
- “The Economic Impact of Social Security,” Peter Arno, parno22@gmail.com (PERI UMassAmherst)
- “Estimating the Cost of Paid Sick Days by Industry,” Amanda Page-Honngrajok, apageh@gmail.com (UMass Amherst)
Discussants: Adam Wagstaff (World Bank), Helen Meissner (National Institutes of Health)
Friday 1:00 pm – 2:20 pm. (D sessions)
URPE Panel 2: Labor and Social Legislation
Organizer: Julio Huato (jhuato@sfc.edu, St. Francis College)
Chair: Katherine Moos, moosk354@newschool.edu (New School)
- “Firm Age and Firm Performance in the Labor Discipline Framework,” Johann Jaeckel, johann.jaeckel@newschool.edu (NYU)
- “Social Legislation in Industrial Capitalism,” Katherine Moos, moosk354@newschool.edu (New School)
- “Statistical Equilibrium Analysis of Labor Migration in the U.S.,” Noe Wiener, wiener@newschool.edu (New School)
- “Jevons’s Ideal Role for Labor Unions and the Role of Unions Substitutes in the U.S.,” Monica Hernandez, monicahernandez@newschool.edu (New School)
Discussion among the participants.
Friday 2:30 pm – 3:50 pm. (E sessions)
URPE Panel 3: Critical Perspectives 1
Organizer: Armagan Gezici (agezici@keene.edu, Keene State College)
Chair: Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu, University of Utah)
- “Environmentalist Consumption and Class,” Hannah Archambault, harchambault@gmail.com (UMass Amherst)
- “Accumulation by Dispossession: A Marxist history of the formation of the English Premier League,” Anirban Karak, anirbankarak@gmail.com (UMass Amherst)
- “A Critique of the Economics of Superstars and a New Direction,” Luke Pretz, luke.pretz@gmail.com (UMass Amherst)
- “Do Ecological Economics and Environmental Sociology Conflate the Genus and Species of Capitalism? Exploring De-growth as a Fetish of Use Values,” David Fields, david.mathew.fields@gmail.com
Discussion among the panelists.
Friday 4:00 pm – 5:20 pm. (F sessions)
URPE Panel 4: Critical Perspectives 2
Organizer: Roseanne Currarino, rc16@queensu.ca (Queens University)
Chair: Joseph McCartin (joemccartinoup@gmail.com, Georgetown University)
- “Incorporation Among the Oranges,” Roseanne Currarino, rc16@queensu.ca (Queens University)
- “The Rot at the Heart of American Progressivism: Imperialism, Racism, and Fear of Democracy in Richard Ely’s Progressivism,” Gerald Friedman, gfriedma@econs.umass.edu, (UMass Amherst)
- “The Point is to Change It: Three Lives of Applied Marxism” Zoe Sherman, shermanz@merrimack.edu (Merrimack College)
- “Making a Labor Market for Economists in the 20th Century,” Tom Scheiding, University of Hawaii
Discussion among the panelists.
Saturday 8:00 am – 9:20 am. (G sessions)
URPE Panel 5: Financialization, Profit Rate, Income Distribution, Investment, and Crisis
Organizer: Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu, University of Utah)
Chair: David Fields (david.mathew.fields@gmail.com)
- “Why financialisation has depressed US productive investment,” Al Campbell, al@economics.utah.edu (University of Utah)
- “Profitability, Income Distribution and Technical Change in the Postwar Mexican Economy,” Sergio Cámara Izquierdo, scamara@azc.uam.mx (UAM-Azcapotzalco) and Abelardo Mariña Flores, abmf@azc.uam.mx (UAM-Azcapotzalco)
- “Profit rate, investment and capital accumulations in Brazil: 1955-2014,” Adalmir Marquetti, aam@pucrs.br (Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul)
- “A Survey of Marxist Perspectives on the Great Recession,” Erdogan Bakir, eb035@bucknell.edu (Bucknell University)
Discussion among the panelists.
Saturday 9:30 am – 10:50 am. (H sessions)
URPE Panel 6: Distribution, Growth, and Trade
Organizer: Julio Huato
Chair: Özgür Orhangazi (ozgur.orhangazi@khas.edu.tr, Kadir Has University)
- “You take the high road, I’ll take the low road? Looking at the question of international competitiveness through a ‘varieties of capitalism’ lens,” Antrim Ross, ross_a1@denison.edu (Denison University) and Xiao Jiang, jiangx@denison.edu (Denison University)
- “Distribution and growth in a two sector open economy with an infrastructure constraint: The case of post neoliberal Bolivia,” Raul Zelada-Aprili, rzeladaa@econs.umass.edu (UMass)
- “From Trillemma to Dilemma: Post-Bretton Woods World,” Hasan Comert, hcomert@metu.edu.tr (Middle East Technical University)
- “Political Economy of India-Nepal trade Blockade (trade embargo),” Kalpana Khanal, Kalpana.khanal@nichols.edu (Nichols College)
Discussion among the panelists.
Saturday 11:00 am – 12:20 pm. (I sessions)
URPE Panel 7: Gendered Labor, Profit Rate, and Growth
Organizer: Marcelo Milan, milan.econ@gmail.com (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)
Chair: Paddy Quick (pquick@sfc.edu, St. Francis College)
- “Export-led growth models and gender gaps in the periphery: a Feminist-Kaleckian interpretation for the Brazilian context,” Marcelo Milan, milan.econ@gmail.com (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) and Debora Nunes, adeboranunes@gmail.com (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
- “Feminization of Labor and Profit Rates: Evidence from OECD Countries,” Yvonne Renard, yrenard@student.fitchburgstate.edu (Fitchburg State University) and Adem Elveren, aelveren@fitchburgstate.edu (Fitchburg State University)
- “Gender Equality in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers, 2000-2013,” Lynda Pickbourn, lpickbourn@hampshire.edu (Hampshire College)
- “Measuring Crimes Against Women in India: Moving Beyond Police Recorded Data,” Kade Finnoff, kade.finnoff@umb.edu (UMass Boston)
Discussion among the panelists
Saturday 1:00 pm – 2:20 pm. (J sessions)
URPE Panel 8: Circuit of Capital, Money, Finance, and Distribution
Organizer: Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu, University of Utah)
Chair: Julio Huato (juliohuato@gmail.com, St. Francis College)
- “Leverage-led Growth in the Circuit of Capital Model with a Banking Sector,” Hyun Woong Park, hpark@allegheny.edu (Allegheny College)
- “Finance and Distribution: Revisiting wage -led and Profit led demand dynamics,” Ramaa Vasudevan, ramaa.vasudevan@colostate.edu (Colorado State University)
- “The Nature of Money In Building Socialism and Communism: An Exploration of Feasible Visions of Transcending Finance,” David Fields, david.mathew.fields@gmail.com
- “Finance and the Erosion of the US Industrial Base,” Marie Duggan, mduggan@keene.edu (Keene State College)
Discussion among the panelists.
Saturday 2:30 pm – 3:50 pm. (K sessions)
URPE Panel 9: Macro Instability, Stagnation, Concentration, and Distribution
Organizer: Armagan Gezici (agezici@keene.edu, Keene State College)
Chair: Ramaa Vasudevan (ramaa.vasudevan@colostate.edu, Colorado State University)
- “A case study on the day-to-day determinants of country risk index,” Luis Brunstein, lfbrunstein@gmail.com (University of California, Riverside)
- “Macroeconomic Stability in a Flexible Labor Market,” Jong-seok Oh, oh@econs.umass.edu (UMass Amherst)
- “Income Effect or Budget Squeeze? Female Labor Force Participation in India,” Sirisha Naidu, sirisha.naidu@wright.edu (Wright State University) and Smriti Rao, srao@assumption.edu (Economics and Global Studies)
- “Corporate Concentration, Secular Stagnation and the Growing Income Gap: American Prosperity in Historical Perspective, Part I,” Jordan Brennan, Jordan.Brennan@unifor.org (Unifor and Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)
Discussion among the panelists.
Saturday 4:00 pm – 5:20 pm. (L sessions)
URPE Panel 10: Gender, Household Production, Firm, and Market
Organizer: Julio Huato
Chair: Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu, University of Utah)
- “Household Production in Feudal, Capitalist and Communist Modes of Production,” Paddy Quick, paddyquick8@gmail.com (St. Francis College)
- “Gender Prejudice as a Sense of Social Position,” Rashid Memon, rashid.memon@lums.edu.pk (Lahore University, Pakistan)
- “The Nature of the Firm: An Alternative to Market, or the Site of Labor Process?” Mohammad Moeini Feizabadi, moeinifa@econs.umass.edu (UMass Amherst)
Saturday 5:30 pm – 6:50 pm. (M sessions)
URPE Panel 11: Critical Perspectives 3
Organizer: Amanda Page-Honngrajok, apageh@gmail.com (UMass Amherst)
Chair: Armagan Gezici (agezici@keene.edu, Keene State College)
- “Missing half of reality: Standard economics’ failure to understand harm,” Lane Vanderslice, lvanderslice@verizon.net (Worldhunger.org)
- “Economics and Mis-Mathematics,” John McDermott, John.CMA@comcast.net (SUNY)
- “Reclaiming domination,” Nicholas Vrousalis, n.vrousalis@princeton.edu (Princeton)
- “Low-Wage Careers in a Changing Labor Market,” Jeanette Wicks-Lim, wickslim@peri.umass.edu (PERI UMass Amherst)
Discussion among the panelists.
Sunday 8:00 am – 9:20 am. (N sessions)
URPE Panel 12: Capital Flows in Europe
Organizer: Julio Huato
Chair: Armagan Gezici (agezici@keene.edu, Keene State College)
- “Capital flows, finance-led growth and fragility in the age of global liquidity and quantitative easing: The case of Turkey,” Gökçer Özgür, gozgur@hacettepe.edu.tr (Hacettepe University) and Özgür Orhangazi, ozgur.orhangazi@khas.edu.tr (Kadir Has University)
- “Capital Inflows, Real Investment and Economic Instability: The Case of Turkey,” Al Campbell, al@economics.utah.edu (University of Utah)
- “European Intra-State Lending, or the Lack Thereof,” Nina Eichacker, ninaqeichacker@gmail.com (Bentley University)
- “European Lending and Real Sector Investment,” Nina Eichacker, ninaqeichacker@gmail.com (Bentley University)
Discussion among the panelists.
Sunday 9:30 am – 10:50 am. (O sessions)
URPE Panel 13: Agent Based Models, Technology, and Finance
Organizer: Al Campbell
Chair: Julio Huato (jhuato@sfc.edu, St. Francis College)
- “Cooperation, Competition, and Innovation Heterogeneous-Agents-Based modelling perspectives,” Hardy Hanappi, hanappi@tuwien.ac.at (University of Technology of Vienna) and Markus Rohringer, markus.rohringer@econ.tuwien.ac.at (University of Technology of Vienna)
- “The Deep History of Postwar Global Capitalism,” Julio Huato, jhuato@sfc.edu (St. Francis College)
- “Financing Constraints and Research and Development Activity: New evidence from Turkey 1996-2013,” Özgür Orhangazi, ozgur.orhangazi@khas.edu.tr (Kadir Has University) and Armagan Gezici, agezici@keene.edu (Keene State College)
Discussion among the panelists.
Sunday 11:00 am – 12:20 pm. (P sessions)
URPE Panel 14: Critical Perspectives 4
Organizer: Amanda Page-Honngrajok, UMass Amherst
Chair: Armagan Gezici, Keene State College
- “Affordable Housing in Westchester County,” Laurence F. O’Connell, larryoconnell64@gmail.com (New School)
- “Food Insecurity and Food Sovereignty in Greece,” Harry Konstantinidis, konstantinidis@umb.edu (UMass Boston)
- “Economy of the Excluded: Surplus Population, Subsistence, and Economic Surplus in the Informal Economy,” Snehashish Bhattacharya, snehashish@econ.sau.ac.in (South Asian University)
Discussion among the panelists.