We ave sent out a Call for submitting to URPE papers for the URPE sessions at the Easterns this coming February. The Call is on our Website under activities, under the Easterns, or here. To submit a proposal for a panel or paper, there is an on line application link on our site. Please do not submit the proposed paper to the EEA as well as us (or it wil get listed twice) at this link, just to us.
But you do need register for the conference as always with the Eastern Economics Association. Register on the EEA Conference site – our Call also details how to do so, though it is pretty clear.
The point of this note is there is an earlybird registration deadline on October 15. If you register by then it costs you slightly less, whatever category you register in. Note again you do not need to have submitted your paper proposal yet to us, just register now if you know you will be coming and get the discount.
In solidarity, Al Campbell al@economics.utah.edu