The World-Ecology Network is a global community of scholars and activists committed to the study of historical change — including the history of present — as if nature matters. Moving beyond the fragmentation of the world into “Nature” and “Society,” we pursue analyses of historical change that take human organizations as producers and products of the web of life. For more on world-ecology perspectives, see here. Below are recently published articles that are in the spirit of the world-ecology conversation:
Richard Walker (in press). “Value and Nature: Rethinking Capitalist Exploitation and Expansion,” Capitalism Nature Socialism.
Ray Bush, and Giuliano Martiniello (2017). “Food Riots and Protest: Agrarian Modernizations and Structural Crises,” World Development, 91, 193-207.
Jason W. Moore (2017). “Über die Ursprünge unserer ökologischen Krise,” Prokla, 185, 599-619.
Roberto José Ortiz (2016). “La ecología política y los límites de la acumulación interminable: petróleo, desarrollo desigual y calentamiento global,” Laberinto, 47, 51-70.
Yoan Molinero Gerbeau y Gennaro Avallone (2016). “Produciendo comida y trabajo baratos: migraciones y agricultura en la ecología-mundo capitalista,” Relaciones Internacionales, 33, 31-51.
Francisco Javier Bonilla (2016). An Environmental History of the Rio Grande in the Panama Canal Zone, 1521-1950. M.A. thesis, Department of History, University of Louisville.
Jason W. Moore (2016). “El fin de la naturaleza barata: o cómo aprendí a dejar de preocuparme por “el” medioambiente y amar la crisis del capitalismo,” traducido por Nicolás Pozo, Relaciones Internacionales, 33, 143-173.
Tony Weis (2016). “Towards 120 Billion: Dietary Change and Animal Lives,” Radical Philosophy, 199, 8-13.
Martín Arboleda (forthcoming). “Revitalizing science and technology studies: A Marxian critique of more-than-human geographies,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, online in advance of print.
Jason W. Moore (forthcoming). “Metabolic Rift or Metabolic Shift? Nature, Dialectics, and the World-Historical Method,” Theory & Society, pre-publication final.
Larry Lohmann (forthcoming). “Toward a Political Economy of Neoliberal Climate Science,” in D. Tyfield, et al., eds., The Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Science. London: Routledge.
Gerardo Otero and Pablo Lapegna (2016, in press). “Transgenic Crops in Latin America: Expropriation, Negative Value and the State,” Journal of Agrarian Change, online in advance of print.
Joshua Clover and Juliana Spahr (2016). “Gender Abolition and Ecotone War,” South Atlantic Quarterly, 115(2), 291-311.
Kerstin Oloff (2016,in press). “Zombies, Gender and World-Ecology,” in Michael Niblett and Chris Campbell, eds., The Caribbean : aesthetics, world-ecology, politics. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Romain Felli (2016). La Grande Adaptation. Climat, Capitalisme et Catastrophe. Paris: Le Seuil. Ch. 4, “Les migrants climatiques: de la menace sécuritaire à l’instrumentalisation entrepreneuriale.”
Jason W. Moore, ed. (2016). Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History, and the Crisis of Capitalism. Oakland: PM Press. Link to publisher’s website.
Jason W. Moore (2016). “Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History, and the Crisis of Capitalism,” in Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Oakland: PM Press, 1-11.
Abraham Paulsen Bilbao and Felipe Vergara Ovando (2016). “El world-ecology: Su producción espacial y sus efectos en los individuos,”Revista Internacional de Humanidades, 5(2).
Haroon Akram-Lodhi (2016). “The Agrarian Question in the Web of Life: World-Ecology and the Conjuncture,” Manuscript, Department of International Development Studies, Trent University.
Sharae Deckard (2016). “World-Ecology and Ireland: The Neoliberal Ecological Regime,” Journal of World-Systems Research, 22(1), 145-176.
Beatriz Bustos-Gallardo & Felipe Irarrazaval (2016): “‘Throwing Money into the Sea’: Capitalism as a World-ecological System. Evidence from the Chilean Salmon Industry Crisis, 2008,” Capitalism Nature Socialism, online in advance of print
Mariko Lin Frame (2016). “The Neoliberalization of (African) Nature as the Current Phase of Ecological Imperialism,” Capitalism Nature Socialism, 27(1), 87-105.
Aaron Jakes (2016). “Booms, Bugs, Bust: Egypt’s Ecology of Interest, 1882-1914,” Antipode, online in advance of print.
Samuel Day Fassbinder (2016). “Telling Capitalist World-Ecology in the History of Commodities,” Capitalism Nature Socialism, 27(1), 126-131.
Marcus Taylor (2016). “The Climate Question Meets the Agrarian Question: Climate, Capital and Agrarian Environments,” paper presented to the International Colloquium, Global governance/Politics, Climate Justice & Agrarian/Social justice, International Institute for Social Studies, The Hague, 4-5 February.
Benjamin Marley (2016). “From War on Poverty to War on Coal: Nature, capital, and work in Appalachia,” Environmental Sociology, online in advance of print.
John Calvelli (2015). The Future is an Image: Unsustainability, Plasticity, and the Design of Time. New York: Atropos.
Isabella M. Radhuber (2015). “Extractive Processes, Global Production Networks and Inequalities,” Working Paper Series 89. Berlin: International Research Network on Interdependent Inequalities in Latin America.
Donna Haraway, et al. (forthcoming). “Anthropologists are Talking — About the Anthropocene,” Ethnos, online in advance of print.
Benjamin Kunkel (2015). “The House That Marx Built,” Dissent, 62(4), 95-97.
Neeraj Bhatia (2015). “The Cheap Frontier: Operationalizing New Natures in the Central Valley,” Scenario, 05: Extraction.
Bikrum Gill (forthcoming). “Can the River Speak? Epistemological Confrontation in the Rise and Fall of the Land Grab in Gambela, Ethiopia,” Environment and Planning A, online in advance of print.
David Thomas (forthcoming). “The canary in the coal mine: Tony Harrison and the poetics of coal, climate, and capital,” Textual Practice, online in advance of print.
Martín Arboleda (forthcoming). “In the Nature of the Non-City: Expanded Infrastructural Networks and the Political Ecology of Planetary Urbanisation,” Antipode, online in advance of print.
Kristian Saguin (forthcoming). “Blue Revolution in a Commodity Frontier: Ecologies of Aquaculture and Agrarian Change in Laguna Lake, Philippines,” Journal of Agrarian Change, online in advance of print.
Benjamin J. Marley (forthcoming). “The Coal Crisis in Appalachia: Commodity Frontiers, Crises, and the Geography of Capital,” Journal of Agrarian Change, online in advance of print.
Sharae Deckard (forthcoming). “‘Surviving Globalization‘: Experiment and World-Historical Imagination in Rana Dasgupta’s Solo,” Ariel, pre-print.
Marcus Taylor (2015). The Political Ecology of Climate Change Adaptation. New York: Routledge.
Brian M. Napoletano, Jaime Paneque-Gálvez, & Antonio Vieyra (2015). “Spatial Fix and Metabolic Rift as Conceptual Tools in Land-Change Science,” Capitalism Nature Socialism, 26(4), 198-214.
Clodagh O’Malley Gannon (2015). Exploring the Links between Communality, the Metabolic Relationship, and Ecological Sustainability: A Case Study of a North-West of Ireland Community (c. 1930s-50s). PhD dissertation, Department of Sociology, Maynooth University.
Harriet Friedmann (2015, powerpoint). “Video: Precipice and Possibility: A Food Regimes Approach to Emergent Futures of Growing and Eating,” presentation to the European Congress of Rural Sociology, Aberdeen, 20 August.
Daniel Hartley (2015). “Against the Anthropocene,” Salvage, 1(1).
Ann El Khoury (2015). Globalization, Development, and Social Justice. New York: Routledge.
Christopher R. Cox (2015). “Faulty Presuppositions and False Dichotomies: The Problematic Nature of ‘the Anthropocene,” Telos, 172, 59-81.
Miriam Boyer (2015). “Nature, Materialities, and Economic Valuation,” Working Paper Series 85. Berlin: International Research Network on Interdependent Inequalities in Latin America.
Christian Parenti (2015). “The Environment Making State: Territory, Nature, and Value,” Antipode, 47(4), 829-848.
Jason W. Moore (2015). Capitalism in the Web of Life. London: Verso.
Frederick Errington and Deborah Gewertz (2015). “Pheasant Capitalism: Auditing South Dakota’s State Bird,” American Ethnologist, 42(3), 399-414.
Bram Büscher & Robert Fletcher (2015). “Accumulation by Conservation,” New Political Economy, 20(2), 273-29.
Jason W. Moore (2015). Ecologia-mondo e crisi del capitalismo: La fine della natura a buon mercato. Gennaro Avalonne, trans. Ombre Corte.
Michael Paye (2015). “Ireland and Ecocriticism: Towards a Trajectory,” Green Letters, 19(2), 198-205.
Marion Dixon (2015). “Biosecurity and the multiplication of crises in the Egyptian agri-food industry,” Geoforum, 61, 90-100.