Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE) at the EEA
New York, NY 2017
JEL code for all panels: B5
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Full EEA program is here
[A18] Friday 8:00 – 9:20
URPE Panel 1. China at the Present Conjuncture
Session Organizer: Ramaa Vasudevan (ramaa.vasudevan@colostate.edu, Colorado State University)
Session Chair: Ramaa Vasudevan (ramaa.vasudevan@colostate.edu, Colorado State University)
- “How Capitalist is the Chinese Agriculture Now?” Zhun Xu (xuzhunjune@gmail.com, Howard University)
- “Renewable Energy Investment and Employment in China,” Ying Chen (yingc@newschool.edu, New School for Social Research)
- “The Internationalization of the Renminbi and the Evolution of China’s Monetary Policy,” Ramaa Vasudevan (ramaa.vasudevan@colostate.edu, Colorado State University)
Discussion among the panelists
[A19] Friday 8:00 – 9:20
URPE Panel 15. Finance
Session Organizer: Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu)
Session Chair: Ann Davis (ann.davis@marist.edu, Marist College)
- “Fetishism and Financialisation,” Ann Davis (ann.davis@marist.edu, Marist College)
- “An Unwitting Trojan Horse for International Financial Fragility: The IMF’s ‘New’ Institutional View,” Devin Rafferty (Devin.T.Rafferty@gmail.com, St. Peter’s University)
- “A Macroeconomic Model of “Riskless Capitalism”: Explaining the Recent Growth Trajectory of India,” Rohit Azad (fr2408@columbia.edu, Columbia University)
Discussion among the panelists
[B18] Friday 9:30 – 10:50
URPE Panel 2. Roundtable on Radical Institutionalism: Finding the Synergies Between Institutional Economics and Radical Political Economy
Session Organizer: Geoffrey Schneider (gschnedr@bucknell.edu, Bucknell University)
Session Chair: Geoffrey Schneider (gschnedr@bucknell.edu, Bucknell University)
Geoffrey Schneider (gschnedr@bucknell.edu, Bucknell University)
Xiao Jiang (jiangx@denison.edu, Denison University)
Erdogan Bakir (eb035@bucknell.edu, Bucknell University)
Scott Carter (scott-carter@utulsa.edu, University of Tulsa)
Ann Davis (adavisa@gmail.com, Marist College)
Discussion among members of roundtable
[C18] Friday 11:00 – 12:20
URPE Panel 3. Women Economists and Women in Economics (I)
Session Organizer: Thomas Scheiding (tscheidi@hawaii.edu, University of Hawai’i)
Session Chair: Thomas Scheiding (tscheidi@hawaii.edu, University of Hawai’i)
- “Gendering Left Economics: How Richard Ely and Progressive-era Economists Made Economics a Male Profession, and Social Reform a Male Concern,” Gerald Friedman (gfriedma@econs.umass.edu, University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
- “Early Women Economists at Columbia University Contributions in the Struggle for Labor Protection in the Lochner Era,” Clara Mattei (cm3448@columbia.edu, Columbia University)
- “The Influence and Legacy of Anna Schwartz,” Thomas Scheiding (tscheidi@hawaii.edu, University of Hawai’i)
- “Class and…: Eleanor Marx, Rosa Luxemburg, and Raya Dunayevskaya on Gender, Race, and Nationality,” Zoe Sherman (shermanz@merrimack.edu, Merrimack College)
Discussion among the panelists
[D18] Friday 1:00 – 2:20
URPE Panel 4. Women Economists and Women in Economics (II)
Session Organizer: Thomas Scheiding (tscheidi@hawaii.edu, University of Hawai’i)
Session Chair: Thomas Scheiding (tscheidi@hawaii.edu, University of Hawai’i)
- “The Two Faces of Economic Forecasting in Italy: Vera Cao Pinna and Almerina Ipsevich,” Marcella Corsi and Giulia Zacchia (marcella.corsi@uniroma1.it and giulia.zacchia@gmail.com, University of Rome)
- “French Women Economists on Morality, Desires, Liberty, Independence, and Power in the Early Economic Discourse,” Edith Kuiper (kuipere@newpaltz.edu, State University of New York, New Paltz)
- “Introductory Observations to Routledge Handbook of the History of Women’s Economic Thought,” Kirsten Madden (kirsten.madden@millersville.edu, Millersville University)
- “Women Economists in Modern China,” Yue Xiao (yxiao31@uic.edu, University of Illinois – Chicago)
Discussion among the panelists
[D19] Friday 1:00 – 2:20
URPE Panel 16. Designing a Heterodox Curriculum
Session Organizer: Ron Baiman (baiman@sbcglobal.net, Benedictine University)
Session Chair: Ron Baiman (baiman@sbcglobal.net, Benedictine University)
- “The Profound Implications of Continuing to Teach ‘Supply and Demand’ Instead of ‘Demand and Cost’ in Intro Economics Courses – an Unequal Exchange Application,” Ron Baiman (baiman@sbcglobal.net, Benedictine University)
- “Developing Heterodox Economics Curriculum,” Geert Dhondt (geertleodhondt@gmail.com, John Jay College of Criminal Justice)
- “Can We Teach an Alternative Introduction to Microeconomics?” Gerald Friedman (gfriedma@econs.umass.edu, University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
- “A Classical Political Economy Curriculum,” Anwar Shaikh (shaikh@newschool.edu, New School for Social Research)
Discussants: Scott Cater (scott-carter@utulsa.edu, University of Tulsa), Zoe Sherman (shermanz@merrimack.edu, Merrimack College), Fatma Gul Unal (unalgul@gmail.com, Hobart and William Smith Colleges)
[E18] Friday 2:30 – 3:50
URPE Panel 5. Undergraduate Research in Political Economy
Session Organizer: Xiao Jiang (jiangx@denison.edu, Denison University)
Session Chair: Geoffrey Schneider (gschnedr@bucknell.edu, Bucknell University)
- “The Job Guarantee: The Solution to Growing Income Inequality in the United States?” Katie Scott (scott_k2@denison.edu, Denison University)
- “Prohibition Model: Analyzing Illicit Markets Through Agent-Based Modeling,” Ansel Schiavone (schiav_a1@denison.edu, Denison University)
- “Supplementing Incomes: The Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Reducing Inequality,”Twisha Asher (asher_t1@denison.edu, Denison University)
Discussion among the panelists
[F18] Friday 4:00 – 5:20
URPE Panel 6. Transformations in Capitalism
Session Organizer: Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu)
Session Chair: Julio Huato (juliohuato@gmail.com, St. Francis College, Brooklyn)
- “The Artisan Economy and the New Spirit of Capitalism,” Kirstin Munro (munro@pdx.edu, Portland State University)
- “Self-help and the Economics of Austerity,” Clara Mattei (matteic@newschool.edu, New School for Social Research), David Maddy (maddd855@newschool.edu, New School for Social Research)
- “Neoliberalism, Crisis and the Far-Right in the Current Stage of Global Capitalism,” David Fields (david.mathew.fields@gmail.com, University of Utah)
- “The Deep History of Postwar Global Capitalism,” Julio Huato (juliohuato@gmail.com, St. Francis College, Brooklyn)
Discussants: The panelists and Michael Meeropol (mameerop@gmail.com, Western New England University)
Soiree for Radical Economists- Hosted by John Jay Economics and co sponsored by AESA and URPE.
[G18] Saturday 8:30 – 9:50
URPE Panel 7. Trade Theory, Capital Theory, and Classical Economics
Session Organizer: Scott Carter (scott-carter@utulsa.edu, University of Tulsa)
Session Chair: Katherine Moos (kmoos@newschool.edu, New School for Social Research)
- “Unequal Exchange or Absolute Cost Advantage? Evidence from the Trade Between Greece and Germany,” Persefoni Tsaliki (ptsaliki@econ.auth.gr, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) Lefteris Tsoulfidis (lnt@uom.edu.gr , University of Macedonia)
- “Pasinetti on Economic Growth and Structural Change,” Gary Mongiovi (mongiovg@stjohns.edu, St John’s University) and Davide Gualerzi (davide.gualerzi@unipd.it, Università di Padova)
- “Capital Theory: Less is More,” Lefteris Tsoulfidis (lnt@uom.edu.gr, University of Macedonia)
- “Sraffa and the Configuration of Exchange in subsistence and surplus production: New Evidence from the Sraffa Archive,” Scott Carter (scott-carter@utulsa.edu, University of Tulsa)
Discussants: John Sarich (john.sarich@gmail.com, New York City Department of Finance), Anwar Shaikh (shaikh@newschool.edu, New School for Social Research), Scott Carter (scott-carter@utulsa.edu, University of Tulsa), Gary Mongiovi (mongiovg@stjohns.edu, St John’s University)
[G19] Saturday 8:30 – 9:50
URPE Panel 17. Capitalism: Roots, Productivity, Food Insecurity, Time Deficits and Poverty
Session Organizer: Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu)
Session Chair: Ajit Zacharias (zacharia@levy.org, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College)
- Paradigms in Conflict: A Comparison of the Economic Organization of Pre-Columbian America and Europe. Sergia Coffey (sergiatom@yahoo.com, SUNY Empire State College)
- Does Higher Productivity Pay Off? A firm-level Analysis of Earnings Inequalities in Egypt,” Amr Ragab (amragab@gmail.com, Doha Institute)
- An Examination of the Determinants of Food Insecurity in Greece,” Charalampos Konstantinidis (Konstantinidis@umb.edu, University of Massachusetts, Boston)
- Time Deficits and Poverty in Ghana and Tanzania: A New Perspective,” Ajit Zacharias (zacharia@levy.org, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College)
Discussion among the panelists
[H18] Saturday 10:00 – 11:20
URPE Panel 8. Political Economy of Racism
Session Organizer: Scott Carter (scott-carter@utulsa.edu, University of Tulsa)
Session Chair: Tazewell Hurst (thurst@iamaw.org, International Association of Machinists)
- “Wherein Lies the Fertile Ground for Racial Equality? An Analysis of the Spatial Relationship between Inequality, Segregation, and Racial Wealth Disparities,” Johan Andres Uribe (uribej@denison.edu, Denison University)
- “Revisiting Bergmann’s Occupational Crowding Model,” Michelle Holder (mholder@jjay.cuny.edu, John Jay College of Criminal Justice)
Discussant: Nancy Breen (breenn@mail.nih.gov, National Institute of Health)
[I18] Saturday 1:00 – 2:20
URPE Panel 9. The Effects of Gender and Race on Economic Outcomes
Session Organizer: Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu)
Session Chair: Paddy Quick (paddyquick8@gmail.com, St. Francis College, Brooklyn)
- “What’s wealth got to do with it? A two-tiered model of racialized wealth accumulation,” Johan Uribe (uribej@denison.edu, Denison University)
- “Women’s Tertiary Education Masks the Gender Wage Gap in Turkey,” Hasan Tekgüç ( htekguc@gmail.com, Kadir Has university), S. Deger Eryar (deger.eryar@gmail.com, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey), Dilek Cindoğlu ( dilek.cindoglu@gmail.com, Abdullah Gül University)
- “Does an Increase in Women’s Labor Force Participation Constitute a Reduction in the Oppression of Women?” Paddy Quick (paddyquick8@gmail.com, St. Francis College, Brooklyn)
Discussion among the panelists
[J18] Saturday 2:30 – 3:50
URPE Panel 10. The Effects of Power, Class and Community of Economic Outcomes
Session Organizer: Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu)
Session Chair: Jessica Carrick-Hagenbarth (jess.caren@gmail.com, SUNY, Cortland)
- “Power and Environment – Political Economy of Environment Revisited,” An Li (anli.chinapr@gmail.com, University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
- “Social class and disaster exposure,” Lopamudra Banerjee (lbanerjee@bennington.edu, Bennington College)
- “Community-Driven Development in Brazil’s Northeast: Sources of Subproject Failure,” Jessica Carrick-Hagenbarth (jess.caren@gmail.com, SUNY, Cortland)
Discussion among the panelists
[K18] Saturday 4:00 – 5:20
URPE Panel 11. Marx and Money
Session Organizer: Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu)
Session Chair: TBA
- “Analytical Foundations of a Marxian Circuit of Capital Model and Its Applications to Regime Analysis,” Takashi Satoh (satoh@oita-u.ac.jp, Oita University, Japan)
- “Marx on the 19th Century Gold Standard,” Laurence Krause (krausel@oldwestbury.edu, SUNY, The College at Old Westbury)
Discussion among the panelists
[L18] Sunday 8:30 – 9:50
URPE Panel 12. Profit Studies
Session Organizer: Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu)
Session Chair: Armagan Gezici (armagang@gmail.com, Keene State College)
- “Technical Change and the Rate of Profit When Production is Driven by Price–Value Deviation,” Hyun Woong Park (ppphhw@gmail.com, Allegheny College)
- “DuPont Formula Profit Rate Equalization Model,” Neil Boyle (neilboyle007@gmail.com, NSSR)
- “Profits of the U.S. Nonfinancial Corporations,” Armagan Gezici (armagang@gmail.com, Keene State College)
- “The Profit Doctrine: The Economists of the Neoliberal Era,” Robert Chernomas (chernoma@cc.umanitoba.ca, University of Manitoba)
Discussion among the panelists
[M18] Sunday 10:00 – 11:20
URPE Panel 13. Keynes and Post-Keynesian Analyses
Session Organizer: Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu)
Session Chair: Mona Ali (alim@newpaltz.edu, State University of New York, New Paltz)
- “Keynes: New Vs Old,” Rohit Azad (rohitf@newschool.edu, New School of Social Research)
- “A Supermultiplier Stock-Flow Consistent Model: the “return” of the paradoxes of thrift and costs in the long run?” Lídia Brochier (lidiabrochier@gmail.com, University of Campinas, Brazil)
- “A Post-Keynesian Model of Rent Seeking,” Kurt von Seekamm (kvonseekamm@salemstate.edu, Salem State University)
Discussion among the panelists
[M19] Sunday 10:00 – 11:20
URPE Panel 18. Social and Economic Development in the Caribbean: Current Issues and Perspectives
Session Organizer: Orlando Justo (orlandojusto@gmail.com, CUNY, BMCC)
Session Chair: Rex McKenzie (rexmck@gmail.com, Kingston University, UK)
- “Cuba-U.S. New Relations: Economic Consequences for the Caribbean Area,” Orlando Justo (orlandojusto@gmail.com, CUNY, BMCC)
- “BREXIT: Economic Consequences for the Caribbean Community (CARICOM),” Paul Clement (paul_clement@fitnyc.edu, SUNY, FIT)
- “Financial Dependency in Costa Rica,” Alejandro Alonso Quirós (K1551609@kingston.ac.uk, Kingston University, UK)
- “Social & Economic Sources of Homicide/Murder in Latin America and the Caribbean – Three Country Case Studies,” Rex McKenzie (rexmck@gmail.com, Kingston University, UK)
Discussion among the panelists
[N18] Sunday 11:30 – 12:50
URPE Panel 14. Trade, Real Exchange Rates and Balance of Payments
Session Organizer: Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu)
Session Chair: Mona Ali (alim@newpaltz.edu, State University of New York, New Paltz)
- “Real Exchange Rate and Economic Growth in Semi-industrialized Economies,” Tanadej Vechsuruck (tanadejv@gmail.com, University of Utah)
- “The Labor Costs of Globalization,”Aman Bardia (abardia@gm.slc.edu, Sarah Lawrence College)
- “The Consigliere: Monetary Power and the British Balance of Payments,” Mona Ali (alim@newpaltz.edu, State University of New York, New Paltz)
Discussion among the panelists