The Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research of the University of Salzburg (CEPR) organizes an annual conference since 2013. These conferences are interdisciplinary and open to all interested researchers, practitioners and policy makers. They aim to bring together current research on poverty, inequality and social exclusion and to discuss policies and other measures of poverty alleviation. All abstracts that are submitted to be included in the conference program will be reviewed. Past conferences focused on of religion and poverty (2017), child poverty (2016), absolute poverty in Europe (2015), and ethical issues in poverty alleviation (2014).
The Organizing Committee invites the submission of proposals for single papers, thematic panels (2, 4 or 6 papers), and roundtable sessions (3-5 discussants plus 1 chair) in all areas of poverty research but special attention will be given to those concerned with the focus theme of space and poverty. The conference will be held at the University of Salzburg on 13 and 14 September 2018.September 2018.
Invited keynote talks will be given by
- Sylvia Chant, Professor of Development Geography and Director of MSc Urbanisation and Development at the London School for Economics,
- Eveline Dürr, Professor in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Munich,
- Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Professor of Housing and Social Policy and Director of the Institute for Social Policy, Housing and Equalities Research at Heriot-Watt University,
- Mark Shucksmith, Professor of Planning and Director of the Institute for Social Renewal at Newcastle University.
Possible topics for the focus theme sessions are, among others,
- spatial dimensions of poverty,
- poverty in urban and rural spaces,
- homelessness and housing,
- migration and poverty,
- poverty and spatial mobility
- spatial planning and poverty,
- privatization of public spaces,
- spatial exclusion/inclusion and segregation, architecture and poverty,
- theories of geographies of poverty and inequality,
- poverty and environmental issues (access, perception, recognition),
- energy, water, food poverty
- measurements of poverty and spatial context
- mapping poverty.
Possible topics for the general theme sessions are, among others, current trends in poverty, inequality and social exclusion, poverty trends of different groups (minorities, age, gender, disability, unemployment), analysis of the economic, social and cultural processes underlying poverty, the effects of poverty on health, well-being, education, and inclusion, conceptualizations of poverty, methodologies of poverty research, the effectiveness of poverty alleviation measures and policy responses, and research on safety nets and welfare.
The conference is open to all disciplines (development studies, sociology, economics, anthropology, social medicine, geography, political science, legal studies and the humanities), approaches, methods and concepts within the field of poverty research, and papers coming from an inter-, trans- or multidisciplinary background are particularly welcomed. Papers exploring the ethical and political questions related to poverty are particularly encouraged.
Both research papers of empirical, theoretical or conceptual nature and policy papers are welcomed. If you have any questions regarding your submission please contact us. All proposals will be reviewed.
The Salzburg Conference in Interdisciplinary Poverty Research aims at bringing together established as well as young scholars and academics from diverse backgrounds. Submissions of scholars working in the Global South are particularly encouraged.
The registration fee for participants is 100€ and covers the conference folder, a guided city tour on Friday, coffe breaks, two lunch snacks and the conference dinner on Thursday. Students as well as particpiants from countries classified as low-income or lower-middle income economies by the World Bank pay a subsidized fee of 75€.
The time allocated for each single paper presentation is 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
Paper givers may also participate as discussants or chairs in round table sessions.
The deadline for submitting abstracts for single papers (of 350 words), thematic panels (consisting of 2, 4 or 6 papers), and round-table sessions (3-5 discussants plus 1 chair) is 28 February 2018.
Please use the submission form