By Paul Cockshott. From Monthly Review Press:

Few authors are able to write cogently in both the scientific and the economic spheres. Even fewer possess the intellectual scope needed to address science and economics at a macro as well as a micro level. But, Paul Cockshott, using the dual lenses of Marxist economics and technological advance, has managed to pull off a stunningly acute critical perspective of human history, from pre-agricultural societies to the present. In How the World Works, Cockshott connects scientific, economic, and societal strands to produce a sweeping and detailed work of historical analysis. This book will astound readers of all backgrounds and ages; it will also engage scholars of history, science, and economics for years to come.

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For those interested in performing a review of this book for URPE’s flagship journal, Review of Radical Political Economics, please get in touch with Fletcher Baragar,

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