Links to Radical and Progressive Political Economy and Activist Organizations

(All groups listed below are based in or focus on the US, except where otherwise noted.)

Action Aid Internatiional

ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now)

Activist oriented research, oriented particularly around the issues of A Living Wage, Predatory Lending, Better Schools, Affordable Housing, Community Reinvestment and Utilities

AFL/CIO (American Federation of Labor/ Congress of Industrial Organizations)
Oriented toward trade union issues, broadly conceived to include most economic and social justice issues. Hundreds of position papers and papers, on: manufacturing, civil rights, education, global economy, health care, immigrant workers, pensions and savings, social security & Medicare, work & family, state legislative issues, congressional voting record, Bush watch, people-powered politics, jobs, overtime pay, living wage, minimum wage, working women, unemployment help, workers’ rights, safety & health at work, today’s economy, executive pay watch, the Enron story, research resources, stop sweatshops, capital stewardship, and more. Goal is to build a global grassroots climate movement that can make policy makers accountable to the realities of science and the principles of justice.

Amnesty International

Association for Heterodox Economics (UK)

ATTAC. An organization with affiliates around the world whose goal is environmental and democratic alternatives in the globalisation process.

Bank Information Center

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

CEPR (Center for Economic and Policy Research)
Many publications, going back to 1996. Also organized by the topics Globalization, Taxing Speculation, IMF/World Bank, WTO, Intellectual Property and Patents, Americas, The Stock Market and the US Economy, Social Security, and Labor Markets and Economic Well Being. Downloadable, most in PDF format.

Center for Investigative Reporting. The mission of The Center for Investigative Reporting is to engage and empower the public through investigative journalism and groundbreaking storytelling in order to spark action, improve lives and protect democracy.

Center for Media and Democracy

CPE (The Center for Popular Economics) Facilitates meetings for activists, organizers, educators, and progressive economists. Website includes their published resources on the economy, education workshops, and blog.

Christian Aid (UK)

CPUSA (Communist Party USA)

Compass (UK)

Corporate Watch US

DAWN (Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era)

Dollars & Sense. D&S publishes economic news and analysis, with the mission of explaining essential economic concepts in clera language and by placing them in their real-world context. It maintains a Web site, publishes a bi-monthly print magazine, economics books that are used in college social science courses, and coordinates study groups and other educational settings.

EPI (Economic Policy Institute) Hundreds of Issue Briefs, Briefing Papers, Papers and Books, many free (except shipping charges), others not free.

EJOLT (Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade). A FP7 project supported by the European Commission from 2011-2015 and its continuation, to the work of Environmental Justice Organisations and talk about issues related to Ecological Distribution.

FAIR (For Accuracy in Reporting)

FMF (Feminist Majority Foundation)

Feminist Radical Political Economy

GDAE (Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts). Promotes “Sustainable Change and Development,” and develops extensive economics materials to support that.



Institute for America’s Future. Progressive information on issues like the availability of good jobs, affordable health care, accessible higher education, retirement security, improved public infrastructure, living wages, healthy workplaces, safe food, fair trade and clean energy. Goal to challenge failed conservative policies and build support for the progressive vision of a government that is on the side of working people.

RIPESS (Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy). Promotes the construction of Social Solidarity Economies (SSEs) throughout the world.

International Association For Feminist Economics

International Committee of the Fourth International

International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE)
Founded in 1993 (then called ICARE), ICAPE is a consortium of over 30 groups in economics working cooperatively to maintain diversity and innovation in methods, approaches, policy analyses, and higher education in the profession. This network of groups seeks to foster intellectual pluralism and a sense of collective purpose and strength among heterodox organizations.

IDEAS (International Development Economics Associates)
Hundreds of papers. Archives organized by topics Agriculture, Commodities, Gender Issues, Industry, Macroeconomic Policy, Price & Inflation, Resources, Trade & Payment, Capital Flows, Finance, Human Development, Inequality, Political Issues, Privatization, Technology and Employmnet, and World Economy. Current papers organized (left column of home page) by News Analysis, Featured Articles, Featured Themes, Country Profiles, Economic Briefs, Alternatives, Focus, Documents and Statistics and Books. Downloadable, most in PDF format.

ISO (International Socialist Organization)

Institute for Public Accuracy. A liberal institute set up to get progressive news into mainstream media.

Levy Economics Institute Hundreds of Public Policy Briefs, Strategic Analyses, Working Papers, Policy Notes and Reports. Downloadable, most in PDF format.

Left Forum

Levy Economics Institute of Bard College

The National Labor and Economic Development Institute A South African NGO, its research focuses on South Africa and some on southern Africa. Many articles plus back copies of their Policy Bulletins. Downloadable, most in PDF format.


PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation).

PERI (Political Economy Research Institute)
Finance, Jobs, Macroeconomics, Labor Markets, Wages, Poverty, Environment, Energy Economics, State and Local Economics, Economics for the Developing World, African Development Policy, Political Economy, Health Policy.

Public Citizen
Public Citizen’s website has articles, government testimony, and reports of activism around issues such as health care, energy, and global trade.

Research and Degrowth. Publishes materials and supports projects that advocate a reduction of production and consumption, that at the same time increases human well-being, enhances ecological conditions and improves equity.

SCEPA (Bernard Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis)
Many working papers, going back to 1996. Downloadable, most in PDF format.

Socialist Action.

Socialist Alternative

SEN (U.S. Solidarity Economy Network). Promotes building a Solidarity Economy.

TNI (Transnational Institute). Progressive institution whose goal is to strengthen international social movements with rigorous research, reliable information, sound analysis and constructive proposals that advance progressive, democratic policy change and common solutions to global problems. TNI sees itself as a nexus between social movements, engaged scholars and policy makers.

UFE (United for a Fair Economy)
UFE focuses on inequality, and they have effective street-theater activities and workshops. They have material on income and wealth distribution, taxes, social security, minimum wage, etc., as well as a high school economics textbook, Teaching Economics As If People Mattered by Tamara Sober Giecek.

Working Class Studies Association
WCSA aims to develop and promote multiple forms of scholarship, teaching, and activism related to working class life and cultures. The site contains extensive links to labor and research organizations, and links to conference papers for members.


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