In addition to URPE’s flagship journal Review of Radical Political Economics the following is a list of professional outlets with a tradition of publishing literature in radical political economy:
- Acta Sociologica
- Against the Current
- American Journal of Economics and Sociology
- Antipode
- Australian Journal of Political Economy
- British Journal of Sociology
- Cambridge Journal of Economics
- Cambridge Review of International Affairs
- Capital & Class
- Capitalism, Nature and Socialism
- Catalyst: A Journal of Theory and Strategy
- Challenge
- Competition & Change
- Critical Education
- Critical Horizons
- Critical Research on Religion
- Critical Sociology
- Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory
- Cultural Critique
- Cultural Logic: An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice
- Dialectical Anthropology
- Dollars & Sense
- Ecological Economics
- Economic and Labour Relations Review
- Economics and Philosophy
- Economy and Society
- European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention
- European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
- Feminist Economics
- Feminist Review
- Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography
- Globalizations
- Green Social Thought
- Historical Materialism
- Human Ecology Review
- Human Geography
- International Journal of Political Economy
- International Journal of Radical Critique
- International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
- International Labor and Working Class History
- International Socialism
- International Socialist Review
- Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies
- Journal of Agrarian Change
- Journal of Australian Political Economy
- Journal of Classical Sociology
- Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies
- Journal of Critical Race Inquiry
- Journal of Critical Realism
- Journal of Economic Issues
- Journal of Labor and Society
- Journal of Peasant Studies
- Journal of Post Keynesian Economics
- Journal of World-Systems Research
- Labor History
- Latin American Perspectives
- Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal
- Mediations
- Millennium: Journal of International Studies
- Monthly Review
- New Internationalist
- New Labor Forum
- New Left Review
- New Political Economy
- New Political Science
- New Politics
- New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry
- Perspectives on Global Development & Technology
- Philosophy & Social Criticism
- Politics & Society
- Race & Class
- Radical Criminology
- Radical History Review
- Radical Pedagogy
- Radical Philosophy
- Radical Philosophy Review
- Radical Psychology
- Radical Teacher
- Regional Studies
- Research in Economic Anthropology
- Research in Political Economy
- Rethinking Marxism
- Rethinking Schools
- Review: A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center
- Review of Keynesian Economics
- Review of International Political Economy
- Review of International Studies
- Review of Political Economy
- Review of Social Economy
- Rural Sociology
- Science & Society
- Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society
- Social Forces
- Social History
- Social Research
- Social Text
- Social Theory and Practice
- Socialism and Democracy
- Socialist Register
- Socialist Studies/Études socialistes
- Socialist Review
- Socialist Worker
- Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture & Society
- Studies in Political Economy
- Studies in Critical Research on Religion
- Telos: A Quarterly Journal of Radical Thought
- Textual Practice
- Theory, Culture, & Society
- Theory & Psychology
- Thesis Eleven
- Third World Quarterly
- Transactions of the British Institute of Geographers
- tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique
- Urban Studies
- Work, Employment & Society
- World Review of Political Economy
For more, see the Heterodox Economics Journal Directory, here