International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE) Conference Preliminary Program, January 3, 2019, Agnes Scott College; if you are interested in attending, please register for the conference at
Breakfast, 7:30-8:30 AM (included with conference registration)
Session 1, 8:30-10:00 AM
1A Wealth, Credit and Household Well-bring
- Hongkil Kim (Chair), University of North Carolina Asheville: Long-run and Short-run Relationship between Total Household Credit to GDP ratio and CPI in United States
- Ted Azarmi, University of Tuebingen: A Radical Reevaluation of Homeownership: Adverse Effects of Excess Homeownership on Consumption and Individual Wealth
- Hanna Szymborska, The Open University: How can policy reduce wealth inequality in times of financial sector transformation?
1B Women’s and Children’s Well-Being (URPE)
- Fareena Malhi, American University: Infrastructure, Technology and Gender Roles: Intra-Household Time Allocation in Rural Pakistan
- Didier Wayoro, University of Massachusetts Amherst: Impact of armed conflicts on child welfare in Côte d’Ivoire
- Hebatalla Mohamed, International Labor Organization: Value for Money: Negotiating Wages in the Egyptian Labour Market for Domestic Work
- Carolina Alves, University of Cambridge, Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven, University of York and Kamiar Mohaddes, University of Cambridge: Women in Economics: Unpacking Numbers and Policies in the UK
1C Inequality and poverty in Pakistan, India and Brazil
- Tara Natarajan (Chair), Saint Michael’s College
- Shahram Azhar, Bucknell University, and Danish Khan, University of Massachusetts-Amherst: Capital, State, and Homelessness: Evidence from Urban Slums in Pakistan
- David B. Audretsch, Indiana University, and Venkat Krishna Nadella, Indian Institute of Science: Electoral Quotas, Redistribution, and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from India
- Antônio Albano de Freitas, New School for Social Research: The impact of Inheritance and its taxation on the distribution of income and wealth: an analysis of Brazil and Rio Grande do Sul in contemporary capitalism
1D Economic Theory and the Nature of Modern Economic Systems
- Steve Cohn (Chair), Knox College: Paradigm Competition in China
- Mila Malyshava, Siena College: Revising the Definition of Transition Economies
- Ali Tarhan, Visiting Scholar: Is Capitalism Universal?
1E Workshop on Scholarly Writing
- Zoe Sherman, Merrimack College: Crafting Clear Scholarly Writing and Effective Writing Habits: A Workshop
1F Reform of the Global Finance and Economic System after the Crisis (INET Young Scholars Initiative I)
- To Be Determined
Session 2, 10:15-11:45 AM
2A Business Cycles, Money and Macroeconomic Policy
- Hendrik Van den Berg (Chair), University of Massachusetts Amherst: Interpreting the 1970s from Materialist Dialectic and Post-Keynesian Perspectives
- Orsola Costantini, Institute for New Economic Thinking: Invented in America: Birth and Evolution of the Cyclically Adjusted Budget Rule, 1933-1961
- Selim Cakmakli, Rutgers University and Kenan Lopcu, Cukurova University-Adana: Long Waves and Business Cycle Synchronization: Evidence from Structural Break Tests
- Olivia Bullio Mattos, St. Francis College and Saulo Abouchedid: Can Cryptocurrencies Ever Become ‘Money’?
2B Labor Markets and Labor Models
- Brandon McCoy (Chair), Skidmore College: An Unstable and Segmented Labor Market: Evidence from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Microdata
- Ezgi Bagdadioglu and Cheng Li, University Of Campinas: The Tripartite Labour Supply Model as Diversifier the Cognitive Rationale of Dichotomies in the Theories of the Economy
- Ying Zhen, Wesleyan College: The Well-being of Musicians in the U.S.
2C Race, ethnicity and inequality around the globe
- Wayne Edwards, University of Vermont: Sovereign Land, Economic Space: Indigenous Economies
- Scott Carson, University of Texas, Permian Basin: Weight and the Net Nutrition Transition from 19th Century Bound to Free-labor: Assessing Dietary Change with Differences in Decompositions
- Kalinca Becker, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria: Analysis of the proficiency differential between white and non-white students in Brazil – SAEB 2015
- Khondlo Mtshali, University of KwaZulu-Natal: A critique of South Africa’s Black Empowerment Policies from the Perspective of Darity, Mason and Stewart’s Model
2D Ecological Economics – A Discipline whose Time has Come (A Teaching Workshop)
- David Barkin, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana and Joshua Farley, University of Vermont: The fundamental principles of Teaching Ecological Economics, including research and collaboration with communities.
2E Roundtable on Microeconomic Principles and Problems: A Pluralist Introduction, by Geoffrey Schneider
- Zdravka Todorova (Chair), Wright State University
- Erdogan Bakir, Bucknell University
- Xiao Jiang, Denison University
- Geoffrey Schneider, Bucknell University
2F The Impacts of the Great Recession on Income Distribution and the Potential Limits of Policy Responses (INET Young Scholars Initiative II)
- To Be Determined
Session 3: Lunch Plenary, 11:45 AM – 1:35 PM (lunch included with conference registration)
Contemporary Pluralistic Economics: The core, methods and intersections of heterodox approaches
- Steve Pressman, Colorado State University: Putting the Social Back into Economics
- Jennifer Cohen, Miami University of Ohio: The State of Feminist Economics and its connections with other heterodox perspectives
- Matias Vernengo, Bucknell University: The State of Post-Keynesian Economics and its connections with other heterodox perspectives
- Paddy Quick, St. Francis College (emeritus): The State of Radical Political Economy and its connections with other heterodox perspectives
- Geoffrey Schneider (Chair), Bucknell University: The State of Institutional Economics and its connections with other heterodox perspectives
Session 4: 1:45-3:30 PM
4A Stagnation, Sovereignty and Finance in Contemporary Capitalism (URPE)
- Ignacio Ramirez Cisneros (Chair), University of Missouri-Kansas City
- Gokhan Terzioglu, Uni. Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne: The Power Structure of 21st Century Capitalism
- Pedro Clavijo, University of Utah: Northern Stagnation and its Effects on the South
- Rafed Al-Huq , Hobart and William Smith Colleges: The Hegemonic Premium
- Andres Cantillo, Missouri State University: The structure of production and portfolio decisions of investment
- Gokcer Ozgur, University of Utah: Shadow Banking and Financial Intermediation
4B Development and Growth in theory and practice
- Paolo Ramazzotti (Chair), Università di Macerata: Prices, institutions and the coordination of economic growth
- Juan Santarcangelo, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes: Economic growth and income distribution in the theories of economic development
- Tope Awe, College Of Education, Ikere – Ekiti: Nexus between Human Capital Development and Human Capital Investment in Nigeria
- Ojo Olawumi, College Of Education, Ikere-Ekiti: Output Growth Determinants in Nigerian Manufacturing Firms: A Dynamic Panel Analysis
4C The Complexities of Economic Behavior
- Kellin Chandler Stanfield (chair), Hobart and William Smith Colleges: Evolutionary Behavioral Economics: Veblenian Institutionalist Insights from Recent Evidence
- Robert B. Williams, Guilford College: Intergenerational Legacy: Looking Beyond Reported Transfers
- Eirini Petratou, Leeds University: An Investigation of the Role of Fundamental Uncertainty in Financial Decision-Making: Empirical Evidence from Trading Floors
- Rene Reich-Graefe, Western New England University: Bayesian Trust, Trust Intermediation & Boundary Spanning
4D Agent-Based Computational Economics, Big Data and Experiments
- Shu-Heng Chen (Chair), National Chengchi University, Agent-based modeling: the right mathematics for radical political economics?
- Chris Georges, Hamilton College: A Model of Macroeconomic Gentrification
- Dehua Shen, Tianjin University: When Machine Learning Meets Google Trends: An Empirical Analysis of the Predictability of Bitcoin Market
- Edgardo Bucciarelli, University of Chieti-Pescara: Building Networks by Testing Subjects’ Risk Attitude in a Post-Allaisian Era
- William Lawless, Paine College: Interdependence and context: An agent-based model of interdependence
4E Practicing Intersectionality in the Classroom: A Group-led Workshop
- Alexandria Eisenbarth, New School of Social Research: Reflections on the classroom experiences we facilitate and our successes and our learning experiences.
4F Globalization, Financialization, and Innovation (INET Young Scholars Initiative III)
- To be determined
Session 5: 3:45-5:30 PM
5A Employment, Social Security and Economic Growth (URPE)
- Ignacio Ramirez Cisneros (Chair), University of Missouri-Kansas City
- Jacob Powell (discussant1), University of Missouri-Kansas City
- Pedro Clavijo (discussant2), University of Utah
- Ignacio Ramirez (discussant3), University of Missouri-Kansas City
- Martha Jaimes, New School for Social Research: The Social Security’s Delayed Retirement Credit: An Incentive or Trap?
- Gonzalo Combita, Universidad de La Salle: Structural Change and Financial Fragility in Open Developing Economies: A Methodological Analysis
- Ivan Velasquez, University of Missouri-Kansas City: Economic Growth and Distribution Policies: An Integration of Lauchlin Currie’s ‘Leading Sector’ and Hyman Minsky’s ‘Job Guarantee’
- Isabel Estevez, University of Cambridge: How do trade agreements impact the global distribution of value? Reinterpreting the role of global economic rules in development
5B Theory, Method, and Belief in Economics
- Lukasz Hardt, University of Warsaw: Models and Beliefs they Produce
- Angelo Fusari, ISAE (formerly): Methodological problems of economic and social sciences: Misunderstandings and clarifications
- Mehrene Larudee, Hampshire College: The Uses of Theory
- Hari Luitel and Gerry Mahar, Algoma University: Testing for Unit Roots in Autoregressive-Moving Average Models of Unknown Order: Critical Comments
5C Gender, race and economic outcomes
- Polona Domadenik, University of Ljubljana: Gender matters: decomposing the in-work poverty trap between standard and atypically employed workers
- Konstantinos Eleftheriadis, SciencesPo-Paris: Sexual Politics of Austerity in the Greek Periphery
- Swarna Sadasivam Vepa, Madras School of Economics: Political economy of social exclusion
- Luis Gustavo de Paula and Felipe Almeida, Federal University of Paraná: A Bibliometric and Scientometric Study of Gender and Race Analysis through Heterodox Journals
- Luiza Nassif Pires, New School for Social Research: Gender segregation and the fall in the unionization rate in the US: A social interaction model
5D Association for Institutional Thought (AFIT) at 40
- Rojhat Avsar, Columbia College: The Younger Generation
- William Waller, Hobart and William Smith Colleges: AFIT and Original Institutionalism
- Richard Adkisson, New Mexico State University: AFIT and the Western Social Science Association
- Paula Cole, University of Denver: My Teaching and AFIT
- Zdravka Todorova, Wright State University: Feminist Institutionalism in AFIT
5E Innovations in Policy (INET Young Scholars Initiative III)
- To be determined
Session 6: 5:30-6:30 PM ICAPE-Promoting Economic Pluralism Joint Reception and Discussion. Topic: Promoting Pluralism via International Accreditation of Courses. Wine and refreshments provided.
Conference ends at 6:30 PM