Results of the 2019 Editorial Board elections: re-elected and newly elected to the Editorial Board are Waquar Ahmed, Fletcher Baragar, Davide Gualerzi, Elif Karaçimen, Michael Keaney, Marlene Kim, Mark Klinedinst, David Kotz, Robert McMaster, Andrew Mearman, Kirstin Munro, and Susan Schroeder. Congratulations! Thank you for your interest in contributing to the RRPE. Thank you too to outgoing Board members Deepankar Basu and Ramaa Vasudevan for their valuable work and efforts over the years—they will be missed.
RRPE Editorial Board Elections take place every July/August. Terms begin in September and run for three years.
The journal, and editorial board, function collectively. Duties of editorial board members include: reviewing an average of one manuscript per month (12 manuscripts/year); serving on Special Issue Collectives; serving on various sub-committees; attending two meetings a year (in January at the ASSA conference, and in April usually in NYC). Serving on the editorial board is a major time commitment, but is also rewarding since it is an important way to contribute to URPE.
If you are interested in working as part of the RRPE’s editorial board, please contact the Managing Editor, Enid Arvidson at by no later than May 1 of the year you wish to run for the Board, and plan to send your election statement of no more than 175 words by no later than June 1. Editorial Board members serve three-year terms. You must be a member of URPE to stand for election (join URPE). Editorial Board members are elected by the URPE membership—only members of URPE may vote in Editorial Board elections.
Election statements are posted on the URPE/RRPE website and included with the ballots.
2019 Editorial Board Candidate Statements (pdf)