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URPE Panels at the 14th Annual URPE @ EEA (Eastern Economics Association) Annual Conference
February 27 – March 1, 2020
Boston Sheraton Hotel, Boston

URPE members are invited to submit entire organized sessions or individual papers to URPE for our participation in this year’s 46th Eastern Economics Association Annual Conference to be held in Boston, February 27 – March 1, 2020.  (see Eastern Economic Association conference website at for more information).

(We target building sessions of 3 papers given the short sessions (1 hour 20 minutes), but they can be 4. (Proposals with 3 can have a 4th added if either URPE receives a related single paper proposal that fits there and nowhere else, or if the EEA is short on rooms and asks us to try to make all panels 4 papers, as they did in 2017 – but again, in general we aim for 3 papers per panel.)

In its fourteenth year, URPE @ EEA is continuing to provide a forum for URPE members and economists across the heterodox spectrum to meet and engage each other, and continue to develop the frontiers of radical economic theory.

The DEADLINE for single paper and complete panel proposals TO URPE for presentation in the URPE panels at the Easterns is November 15, 2019.

Submissions for panels or individual papers need be made through the URPE Web site, under “URPE at the Easterns, Call for Papers,” which is under CONFERENCES & EVENTS from the URPE home page at The electronic forms for making submissions will be active as of October 8, 2019. (I will not post the Call until the end of September, it was emailed to everyone on the URPE list serve on September 17)

Please make all inquiries about submissions to Al Campbell at or Scott Carter at
Rules and Notes for submissions to URPE @ EEA:

1. All presenters must be dues-paying URPE members by the time of the deadline (November 15, 2019). Please email if you have questions about membership.

2. URPE membership is not a requirement for discussants but is strongly encouraged because of our good working relation with the EEA.

3. For a proposal to be considered for acceptance it must clearly indicate the full names, email addresses, and institutional affiliations of the participants (including the discussants). The titles of the papers, detailed abstracts, and — if available — working drafts and/or completed papers, as well as suggested names for the sessions (in the case of complete panel proposals) must also be submitted. All this is indicated on the Electronic Proposal Form.

4. Submit your proposal for participation in the URPE at EEA panels for a paper or panel to the location on the URPE Web site indicated above. Do not submit a proposal for a paper to the EEA. If you do that then the paper will get double listed, on the URPE@EEA panels and on another panel designated by the EEA.

5. Register for attendance at the conference at the EEA Web site. This is the second step listed there for submitting a paper proposal (again, do not submit a paper proposal directly to the EEA), and one can go directly to this second step without submitting a paper proposal to the EEA. The direct address for registering (or getting EEA membership) is (not yet updated for 2020 as of September 17).

6.  Note membership in the EEA is not necessary, but like many groups, they give a lower conference registration rate to members to motivate conference presenters to join the EEA. It cost $60 more to register if not a member, and $65 for the standard membership with journal delivered on-line and $70 for print journal delivery (and less for graduate students or retired people). URPE encourages participants to join the EEA. There has always in the past been a slightly reduced registration rate for URPE members offered as one of the registration options. Note in regards to saving money that while the registration rate is only marginally lower, by submitting your proposal to URPE for the URPE panels one saves the fee the EEA charges for submitting a paper, which is a separate charge from the registration fee (they waive this fee for us because we in URPE organize all our papers into panels and submit panels, saving them a lot of work). Of course the reason to submit to an URPE panel is not for the monetary savings, but rather to hopefully end up with the other papers on the panel being more similar in their approach to economics, and hence making for better interaction and feedback, but there is a slight monetary savings.

7.  Note the conference registration fee is lower if you register with the EEA for the conference by the “early bird” conference registration deadline of October 15, but one can register (again, at a higher rate) any time up to and including on arrival at the conference (onsite registration). Again, registering to attend (done to the EEA on their site) and submitting a proposal for a paper (done to URPE on the URPE Web site) are two separate actions.

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