How and How Not to do Economics, with Robert Skidelsky
New INET lecture series. Expanding an understanding of economics beyond mathematical models, Robert Skidelsky cove
New INET lecture series. Expanding an understanding of economics beyond mathematical models, Robert Skidelsky cove
By Geoffrey Schneider. From Routledge: In order to fully understand the evolution and future growth of economic syste
By Hugh Goodcare. From Routledge: William Petty (1623-1687), long recognised as a founding father of English politic
40th Annual North American Labor History Conference October 18-20, 2018 Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan Th
By Tim Rogan. From Princeton University Press: What’s wrong with capitalism? Answers to that question today focus on m
From Monthly Review Press: If you’re lucky enough to be employed today in the United States, there’s about a one-in-ten
From University of Illinois Press: Against Labor highlights the tenacious efforts by employers to organize themselv