CFP: Special Issue of Fast Capitalism on NAFTA and Brexit
Fast Capitalism is seeking critical essays for possible inclusion in a special issue onNAFTA and Brexit. The goal is to
Fast Capitalism is seeking critical essays for possible inclusion in a special issue onNAFTA and Brexit. The goal is to
By John Weeks, In the United kingdom on June 23, 2016, 52% of those casting ballots voted in favor of ending the UK’s membe
On 24 April 2017, URPE member John Weeks, retired from SOAS University of London, gave testimony on the economic cost of
From Jamie Morgan, Globalizations has organized a set of short essays on Brexit, these are free and include contributi
By David Kotz, This article was originally posted on Common Dreams The recent vote in favor of Brexit is only the latest
By Robin Hahnel The “masters of the universe” are shocked and displeased. Increasing numbers of voters are registerin
From The Real News Network […] Well, almost all the Europeans know where the immigrants are coming from. And the o
By David Ruccio It’s clear the British referendum on the European Union was a gross miscalculation on the part of David C
By Thomas Palley In years to come, the Brexit referendum may come to be seen as the day we entered the eye of the maelstrom t
By James Galbraith, The groundwork for the Brexit debacle was laid last July when Europe crushed the last progressive p
By Paddy Quick On June 24th the British will vote on whether or not to withdraw from the European Union (EU). The two “side