Trump, Racism, and the Future of the Left
By Paddy Quick Trump’s success in becoming the presumptive Republican nominee for president is indeed a shocking indi
By Paddy Quick Trump’s success in becoming the presumptive Republican nominee for president is indeed a shocking indi
Yanis Varoufakis will deliver the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis (SCEPA) annual Robert Heilbroner Mem
By Prabhat Patnaik Unemployment has become so persistent a phenomenon in contemporary times that there is a common fee
The fossil fuel divestment movement continued its momentum this week as students across the U.S. highlighted the need
Thousands of demonstrators, as part of the social justice organization Democracy Spring, have been staging a mass sit
Demonstrations this weekend were held in as many as 60 cities and towns across France as well as in Belgium, Germany, and
From Routledge. By Radhika Balakrishnan, James Heintz, & Diane Elson The dominant approach to economic policy ha
The National Economic Association (NEA) and the American Society of Hispanic Economists (ASHE) announce and invite p
From Harvard University Press: Employers today are demanding more and more of employees’ time. And from campaign barb
Geoffrey McCormack and Thom Workman interviewed by Robin Chang: The financial and economic crisis of 2008 has left a co
No Country for Old People David Bacon Is there a human right to age in dignity? Some countries think so. Unfortunately, t
Following the Berlin Launch of DiEM25, eleven representatives of the GREENS (including two Members of the European Pa
India’s premier university Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in Delhi, is currently in the middle of one of the big
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of URPE: The Past, Present & Future of Radical Economics Manuscript submission
URPE at the Eastern Economics Association 2016 Conference Washington, D.C., Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Feb.
From Verso: How do mass protests become an organized activist collective? Crowds and Party channels the energies of th
From Edward Elgar, Edited by Eckhard Hein, Daniel Detzer and Nina Dodig, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany Th
From Verso: In the 1960s my Brazilian friend Emir Sader – who to this day remains one of the most important Latin American