New Book: Reading Marx
By Slavoj Žižek, Frank Ruda, & Agon Hamza. From Polity Press: Marx’s critique of political economy is vital
By Slavoj Žižek, Frank Ruda, & Agon Hamza. From Polity Press: Marx’s critique of political economy is vital
[youtube] John Bellamy Foster on nature, c
This piece by Antonio Gramsci was signed II Grido del Popolo, May 4, 1918. The text is taken from The Gramsci Reader: Se
By Cyrus Bina, If one were to name individuals whose thought and action may have shaped our thinking about ourselves, ou
This week on Jacobin Radio, the relevance of Marx for our present moment with anthropologist and Marxist geographer Da
by Sven-Eric Liedman Translated by Jeffrey N. Skinner. From Verso: In this essential new biography—the first to give e
The Thirteenth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy July 16-18, 2018, Berlin School of Economics and L
by Eva Swidler, The Marxist analysis of work under capitalism has long been associated with a preoccupation with wage l
By John Smith, When David Harvey says “the historical draining of wealth from East to West for more than two centuries ha
By Samir Amin. From Monthly Review Press: Unlike such obvious forms of oppression as feudalism or slavery, capitalism
by Alastair Davidson. From Haymarket Books: This engrossing political biography aims to lift Gramsci’s legacy out of
Tithi Bhattacharya offers an introduction to the methods, insights, and strategic implications of Social Reproduct
By Renzo Llorente. From Rowman & Littlefield: Nearly half a century after his death, Ernesto “Che” Guevara remain
Lund University (Lund, Sweden), October 6-7, 2018. In March 2015 over 500 scholars and activists participated in the f
[vimeo 250105924 w=640 h=360] Angela Davis delivered the annual Nicos Poulantzas Memorial Lecture at the Nicos Poula